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Tuesday 2 September 2014

Organic farming

Organic farming is the method of crop and livestock production without using pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms and hormones.  Organic farming is the best way to support the biodiversity, less soil degradation.
Organically grown vegitables and fruits are more safe and healthy than the genetically modified and hybrid vegitables and fruits because in this system we did not use hormones and pesticides which minimizes the chances of accumulation of toxic substances and provides us good nutrition and healthy food.

The principles of organis farming are:

  • A sustainable agriculture system
  • Use of natural fertilizers like dead organic matter and compost
  • Minimizing the soil,air,water and environmental pollution by avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides 
  • Maximizing the production of crops specially fruits and vegitables
  • Organic farming system also supports the predator insects of various agricultural insect pests
  • It also gives chance to the social insects to play their most important role of pollinaton 

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