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Friday 5 September 2014

Soil born pathogens and their management

Soil born pathogens are those which lives in soil and prdoce diseases in field crops which we called soil born diseases.Mostly the soil born pathogens belongs to the kingdom fungi.  Vegitables are most vulnureable to soil born pathogens along with some important major crops. They mostly enter in the the plants through roots by penitrating them whith the help of special type of structures called stachel and rohar.
Some important soil born pathogens are:

  • Fusarium
  • Verticillim
  • Seclerotia
  • Rhyzactonia
  • Pythium
  • Armirilla
  • Phytophthora

The effected plants show symptoms which can be identified easily like;

  • wilting                                                   
  • stunted growth
  • rottening
  • yellowing of leaves
  • small size fruit
  • damaged roots
  • distorted shape of fruit


the soil born pathogens can be managed by:

  • good cultural paractices like tillage, removing of stabbles after harvesting the crop.
  • Soil solarization.
  • mulching.
  • avoid over irrigation.
  • removing of broken leaves and other parts of plants from the field.
  • use of correct dose of fungicides avoide overdose and underdose.
  • resistant verieties.
  • biological control

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